Thursday, 17 November 2011

Galatians 5

Yes, yes, she did indeed display the Fruit of the Spirit!   Oh, thank you, thank you, Jesus!
He comforted me with His WORD as He has promised.

"Remember the word unto thy
servant upon which thou
hast caused me to hope. 
This is my comfort in my affliction: 
for thy word hath quickened me."
(Psalm 119:49,50)
Maybe you've also been separated from your child by death. There are, however, many ways of being separated from our children that, as incredible as it might seem, are perhaps just as painful.  There's the separation of drugs, of alcohol, of cults and gangs, of gambling, of crime, of prison, of rebellion, of a multitude of perversions, of promiscuity, of indifference, of illness, of war.  Who can tell which one tears a parent's heart more?
Please ever keep in mind, that while He will not always calm the storm around us, our Saviour, Jesus Christ will ALWAYS calm the storm within us if we draw to His side.
He has comforted me 
He will comfort you

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