Monday, 1 April 2013

Scandal : Mami Sasazaki

Mami Sasazaki
~General Info~ 

Name in Japanese: 笹崎 まみ 
AKA: Mamitasu, Mamilious, Mami, Tasupo, Sassa. 
Instruments: Vocals, Guitar 
Born: May 21, 1990 (age 20) 
Years Active: 2006 - Present 
Member: Scandal 

Sasazaki Mami has the best guitar skills among the girls, and serves as The Lead guitarist in Scandal. She often amazes fans that come to see them live with her dexterity and skill with the electric guitar. She also appears serious and kind of dark on stage due to her long fringe and serious expression, but offstage, she becomes a direct opposite, displaying a very cheerful and upbeat personality. Also among the group, she’s also the biggest fan of Japanese Anime. In the vocals department,... 

The Scandal Band in early year. From left, Rina Suzuki, Haruna Ono, Tomomi Ogawa and Mami Sasazaki

This is Mami Sasazaki ヽ(*^^*)ノ

MAMI with her amazing new hairstyle. I really love her hairstyle now. Picture above taken during their 2013 Asia Tour . 

I even keep my hair long to do this hairstyle. Mami Forever!! 

During interview, Asia Tour 2013

Mami and Timo(Tomomi) .:*・゚゚・(´ー`).。*・゚゚・* both of them look beautiful! Kawaii

Hipster Mami ( ̄∇ ̄*)ゞ

Timo and Mami are bestfriend (^▽^;)

Scandal Asia Tour 2013

Monday, 11 March 2013

番外編:夢、王子と魔女 Japanese Translation

私は、任意のスリッパまたはshoes.Iなく私の絹のような白いドレスと森の中を歩いていた私は別の世界にいたように感じた。 私はクリック音が聞こえるまで、誰かが私をフォローしていたことに気づかなかった。誰かもっとはちょうど木の枝を踏んだ。それが誰であったかを見て後ろ向きなければ、私は私ができる限り速く走る。私は前後に行きました私の長い巻き毛に悩まされていたので、私が実行している間、私はほとんど私のバランスをコントロールしていない。だから私は自分の手首に縛ら私のリボンを使用することを決めた。私はすぐにそれを解いて、私の髪を結ぶためにそれを使用します。私は後ろに私の髪をプッシュし、ポニーテールにそれを結ぶ。私はその人がまだ私を追いかけているかどうかを前後に直面しています。私はとても疲れ果てたと感じたし、私はもう実行することはできません。私は再び顔として、私は停止し、息を切らすように、私は誰も見ませんでした。突然、男は木の後ろから出てきた。私は彼の顔を見ることができないので、私はそれが誰であったかは知りませんでした。彼は白いマスクを身に着け、剣を持って。彼が私を殺そうと思っているかのように私はあまりにも怖かった。私は再び走り始める。しかし、この時間は、彼は私よりも速かった。誰かが私を救うために、ここでは、森の中にあるかのように私は助けを求めて悲鳴を上げる。私は彼が私を捕まえることに成功し、念のために実行している間私は小さな木をつかんだ。私は私の近くで彼の存在を感じる。私の後ろにわずか数インチが好きです。彼は私の腕をつかむことをどうにかして、私は彼の手が行くようにしようとしました。しかし、彼は思ったより強いです。私は私の手を手放す彼と一緒に苦労しています。まだ実行されている。彼は私のもう一方の腕をつかむことにしたので、私の手を離さないように一生懸命。私はあきらめて、実行を停止します。しかし、私はまだ彼をプッシュし続ける。彼は理由もなく私を抱きしめた。それは、彼が私をよく知っているようなものだ。私は奇妙な感じ、私は彼を押し止める。彼は私を抱きしめたとき、私はラベンダーの香りをかいだ。それはとてもリラックスしていたと私は彼が私を抱きしめてみましょう。彼はゆっくりと私に行こうと、彼は彼のマスクを開設しました。私は彼の顔を見て、私は広く私の目を開いた。彼は魅力的でハンサムに見えます。もっと王子様。彼は"ケネディ"として自分自身を紹介した。彼は私を追いかけていたからと言って私を気の毒と言い、彼は彼の剣で私を殺したかったように見える。私は彼の謝罪を受け入れて、私は自分自身を導入しました。私は森の中で一人でうろついていたなぜ彼は私を求めていた。私はここにいた理由を、私は一人、森の中で、知らない。私は彼にどう答えたらよいかわからない。彼はただうなずいて、私に笑顔をくれます。ためらうことなく、私は彼がここに剣を持った理由を彼に尋ねるとマスクを着用してください。私は彼が殺人者のように見えると述べた。彼は笑った。彼は老婦人を探していた私に語った。そこで彼は、私は老婦人またはnoを見たかどうか私に尋ねる。私は彼にノーと言うと、彼はため息をついた。彼は老婦人を探している私はなぜ彼に尋ねる。彼はその質問には答えなかったが、彼 ​​は町に戻って彼と一緒に来るように誘ってくれました。私は町があったとは知りませんでした。私は彼に従うことに同意するものとします。しかし、私は彼に起こったために起こっている悪いものを感じた。彼が戻って直面しているとすぐに、右胸の真ん中に短剣突き刺す彼と老婦人。私はショックを受けたし、血液が非常に速く、彼の体を覆われていた。私は大声で助けを求めた。しかし、誰も私を聞くことはありません。彼は森の中で彼を実行して残すように言われた。彼は私の町の方向を指示します。彼は彼の文を終えることができました前に彼は右の私の腕で死んだ。私が彼をそこに残しているので、私は選択の余地がなかった。私はできる限りの速度で動作します。私が実行しているとき、私は私を追いかけて老婦人を見て、彼女は実行されませんでしたが、彼 ​​女は彼女の魔法を使ってテレポート。彼女が登場し、姿を消し続けます。それは森の中をこだまするように彼女は大声で笑う。私は疲れ、私はどんな声を聞くことがなかったので私はすぐに停止した。サイレント。数秒後、彼女は右の私の前に現れた。彼女はケネディを殺すために使用されている彼女の短剣で私を刺す。突然、私は、誰かが私の手をつかむ感じ。私は目を覚まし、私は私の目の前に私の父を見た。私は汗をかいていた彼はなぜ私に尋ねる。私は彼に答えなかった。私はただうなずいた。彼はトラックでそれを置くことができるので、私はすべて私のものを詰めた後、私のものの階下を持って来るために私に語った。彼は私の部屋を出て、私は私のものを詰める続ける。私たちは約別の町に移動した。それが唯一の私が当時持っている夢だったので、私は安心しました。私はちょうどそれを忘れることにしました。

P / S:ラリッサが新しい町に引っ越しする前にこれがあった。彼女は彼女が移動した後に前に持っていたこの夢を覚えていなかった。

ジェニファーサラ "あなたよりもきれい" - エキストラ

Saturday, 9 March 2013

Yu Shirota/ U - Heart Of Glass

Yu Shirota / U - Heart Of Glass

Yu Shirota(城田優)

1985.12.26 Actor ,Singer,Songwriter 
Tokyo,Japan ·

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Book Cover #1 and #2 of Envy Series

"Prettier Than You" by Jennifer Sarah
First Book of Envy Series
Book Cover Design : Actress, Ashley Greene and Jennifer Levefre 
"Love, Hate, Curse" by Jennifer Sarah
Second book of Envy Series
Book Cover design : Jennifer Sarah

Chapter Three : The Witch


The Witch

                “Hello Larissa Berkley!! Here we have a new song for you,” the twins take a deep breath and release slowly, then they started to sing Christina Perri’s song, “Jar of Heart”. The twin like to sing but their voice, emm... out of pitched! What can I say? The first time we met in front of my porch they sang Lenka’s song, “Trouble is a friend”. I’m just laughing watching them singing. The twins were very kind to me. More to friendly.

“Oh my Queen, Larissa! You’re so beautiful.” After finish singing their song, the twins giggling and hug me. 

“Oh, Hey Kennedy.” Both of them smile and giggle. I don’t know what their connection with Kennedy but he stand up and he put a thin smile on his face. This was really weird.

“Hay-Kay, good to see both of you.” I don’t know that the twins have a cute nickname. ‘Hay-Kay’ was an absolutely super cute nickname for a twin. “Excuse me for a while, I need to go in the house and helping my mom preparing the foods.” He smiled at us and he looked at me for a second and turn away. I feel something between us. By the way, why would he help preparing the foods? Don’t they have any maids?

“Larissa, look what you’ve done to him!” she giggle and throw her arm around me. I look at her and she gives me a ‘deadpan’ look. I didn’t understand what she is trying to tell me or maybe I’m pretending to not know. “You make him fall in love with you! Trust me, I know that look when he look at you at that way!” she smile.

“Whoa! Hold on, Kennedy only will fall in love with us, the twins, the ‘Hay-Kay’! That handsome young guy is belonging to the twins!” we all laughed.

“So, what’s with that guy?” Ginny take some water from her handbag. She drinks it and closed the bottled and looks at me again.

“The guy?” pretending that it wasn’t about Kennedy.

“Yeah, the guyyy!! Kennedy, of course. He looks like he starting to like you.” Haylee smiled at me with her 
thick red lips. Kaylee didn’t use any, so I bet she don’t like to use any make up. That’s make the only different between Haylee and Kaylee. Kaylee wear green cute dress and Haylee wear pink top tank and black mini skirt.
And I can recognize which one is Kaylee or Haylee. Haylee is older than Kaylee. But the twins didn’t get angry with each other or jealous. Both of them treat equally to each other. That’s the part I like the most about the twins.

“Nothing. Really. Just an empty talk.” I looked away trying to hide my red face.

“Hmm...Whatever. I know he likes you!” she smiled and the twins giggled when Ginny make that eye contact with them. 

“Don’t be so mean! Well, if he likes me... I can’t avoid that, right?” I laughed and the twins paused for a while and Hay-Kay makes a brooding face at me.

“You should know about him. He’s very secure.” Haylee said.

“You know, there’s a girl from our class, her name is Emma Starling. She’s the girl who always wears an eye patch.” She stopped and looks at Kaylee and look back at me. “Well, Emma didn’t want others to get near Kennedy. Then, if someone gets near to Kennedy, she looks into that person eyes. The next day, the girl was found dead near the garbage. She’s annoying that’s why she didn’t have any friend. ”

“Why?” trying to understand Haylee.

“She’s a weirdo!” Haylee snapped.

“Yeah, she’s witc--” before Haylee could finish her sentence, Ginny snapped her finger in front of her and make an angry face at both of them and then back at me, she gave me a thin smile.

“Okay. What’s with that kind of look, Ginny?” I sat up, adjusting my dress.

“It’s just--” she stopped.

“It’s the witch! She’s a witch!” Haylee finally say it. She looks relieved after finish her sentence.

“I told you not to tell anyone, Haylee!” She whispered to Haylee. Kaylee didn’t say anything because she scared Ginny would mad at her. She looks sullen.

“Tell me what, Ginny? I’m new here, so maybe I need to know something that I don’t know. That could help me to understand by living in this town.” I asked with a serious face. At least I need to know something about this town. It’s like I can felt the strange aura here.

“It’s about Emma. You really don’t need to know that much.” She adjusting her hair because it’s messy and she had a curly hair that makes her hair terrible. “Well, that’s what people say about her. She’s always alone but I bet the rumour was only to make fun of her or destroyed her dignity.” She looks sad.
And I’m curious about that.

“I’m so sorry about her. People were so mean. That shouldn’t happen to her. Haylee, I don’t think she’s a witch. There’s no Witch exist in this world.” I said and put wryly smile.

“That was nice. But we never know!” Haylee laughed.

“Hey, I think the party going to start. Let’s go inside shall we?” Kaylee finally speak just to change the mood.

“Yeah c’mon! Can’t wait to see the birthday girl!” saying it with annoying voice and pretend to feel like I like the birthday girl. I felt dumb. Suddenly I had a strange feeling that someone is watching at us from behind the bush.

“Can you feel that?” I asked. It’s getting on my nerve.

“What?” Ginny asked. Her face blurred.

“Yeaahhh, maybe the witch is here, watching us!” Haylee laughed. 

“Cut it off! You’re scaring us. C’mon before the cakes is finish.” Ginny laughed at me and she grabs my arm. So I let it be and ignoring the feeling.

Together we walk toward the ‘what we called a mansion’. Dear, that was a big mansion!

Soon as we arrived in front of the mansion, I was the only one who was amazed of it beauty. Sort of more like amazed by it size! The flowers were covering it like fence. I saw roses, orchid and the tulips in the garden. I paused for a while and went to the garden. I saw one flower that really attracts me. I stare at the flower and think of the name of the flower.This is probably the rarest flowering plant in the world. I didn't know anything about this flower. I never saw it before.
I felt something going into my brain and I heard voice saying “Middlemist Camellia” and I searching for the voice all around the garden. The voice keep repeating the word, “Middlemist Camellia, it’s Middlemist Camellia. Remember that.”Suddenly I felt a tap on my left shoulder.

“Larissa!” I face back. It was Ginny, she look worried.  “Are you alright?” I nodded and face back to observe the flower.

 "Middlemist Camellia," I said, closing my eyes, and smell the scent of the flower.

“Wha..what?” she blurred. 

“Oh, it’s nothing. I’m sorry.” I smiled thinly at her. Haylee and Kaylee watching from behind looking curious on me. “Let’s go.” Ignoring it.

“Okay. You got to explain to me about this after the party.” She lifts up her left eyebrow and shows her weird face to me. I just smiled.

To be continue...  

Middlemist Camellia

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Extra: Dream, The Prince and The Witch

Dream, The Prince and The Witch

I was walking in a forest with my silky white dress without any slippers or shoes.I felt like I was in another world. I didn't realize that someone was following me until a click sound was heard. More like someone just stepped on a tree branch. Without facing back to look who it was, I run as fast as I can. I hardly control my balance while I’m running because I was annoyed by my long curly hair that went back and forth. So I decided to use my ribbon that tied on my wrist. I quickly untied it and use it to tie my hair. I push my hair to the back and tie it in ponytail. I face back and forth to see if that person still chasing me. I felt so exhausted and I can’t run anymore. As I face back again, I didn’t see anyone so I stopped and gasp for air. Suddenly a guy came out from behind the tree. I didn’t know who it was because I can’t see his face. He wears a white mask and holding a sword. I was too scared as if he wanted to kill me. I start to run again. But this time he was faster than me. I scream for help as if someone is in the forest, here, to save me. I grabbed a small wood while I run just in case he managed to catch me. I feel his presence near me. Like only few inch behind me. He managed to grab my arm and I tried to let his hand go. But he’s stronger than I thought. I struggle with him to let go of my hand. Still running. He tries hard to not let go of my hand so he decided to grab my other arm. I gave up and stop running. But I still keep pushing him. He hugged me for no reason. It’s like he know me well. I felt weird and I stop pushing him. I smelled Lavender scent when he hugged me. It was so relaxing and I let him hug me. He slowly let go of me and he opened his mask. I saw his face and I opened my eyes widely. He looks charming and handsome. More like a prince. He introduced himself as ‘Kennedy’. He said sorry at me because he was chasing me and look like he wanted to kill me with his sword. I accept his apology and I introduced myself. He was asking me why I was wandering around alone in the middle of the forest. I don’t know why I was here, in the forest, alone. I don’t know how to answer him. He just nodded and gives me a smile. Without hesitate I ask him why he was here holding a sword and wear a mask. I said he look like a killer. He laughed. He tells me he was searching for an old lady. So he asks me whether I saw the old lady or no. I say no to him and he sighed. I ask him why he is searching for an old lady. He did not answer the question but he asks me to come with him to go back to the town. I didn’t know there was a town. I agree to follow him. But I felt something bad is going to happen to him. As soon as he faces back, an old lady with a dagger stab him right in the middle of his chest. I was shocked and blood was covered his body so fast. I cried for help. But no one hear me. He told me to run and leave him in the forest. He tells me the direction to the town. Before he could finish his sentence he died right in my arm. I had no choice so I leave him there. I run as fast as I could. While I was running, I saw the old lady chasing me, she didn’t run but she teleport using her magic. She keeps appeared and disappeared. She laugh loudly as it echo around the forest. I was exhausted and I stopped as soon as I didn’t hear any voice. Silent. After a few second, she appeared right in front of me. She stabs me with her dagger that she used to kill Kennedy. Suddenly I felt someone grab my hand. I awoke and I saw my father in front of me. He asks me why I was so sweaty. I didn’t answer him. I just nodded. He tells me to bring my stuff downstairs after I packed all my stuff so he could put it in the truck. He left my room and I continue pack my stuff. We were about moving to another town. I felt relieved because it was only a dream I have back then. I decide to just forget about it.

P/S: This was before Larissa moved to the new town. She didn’t remember this dream she had before after she moved.

"Prettier Than You" by Jennifer Sarah - Extra

Thursday, 31 January 2013

Chapter Two of "Prettier Than You"

First Love

           Hold up. Let me explain how all of this started and I’ll introduce myself. My name is Larissa Berkley and I’m a normal person. Really, I’m just a normal person who searching for a true love. I study in Grimsvile High School. I know, ‘Grims’ was a weird name for a village and the people who lived here are very weird too. My previous school was all-girl school. So, I barely know any guy friend and since I was always in my house and doing my own work so I barely going outside and playing with my friend. I’ve kind a weird disease where I rather stay at home and sketching. I love sketching and reading books. ‘Anti-social’ probably good enough to explain my all day hobby.
                I’ve been transfer here last week after my mom passed away. She was involved with an accident at my hometown. It was really strange accident where my mom was reported killed in an accident but her body had disappeared after her body was sent to the morgue for investigation on the next day. She was a very beautiful lady and strong person. She always reminds me that I am beautiful. I’ve always denied what she says because it was embarrassing. She know how to cook and gardening. She’s a teacher in a pre-school.
                We moved here because every day, every hour, every second, the reporters came to our homes and start to ask us a weird question like, “How do you feel live without a mom?” and “What is really happened to your mother?” or “How can she disappear after an accident?”. I mean, who the hell can answer that question? Even Morgan Freeman can’t answer that even though he’s always picked a role play as ‘God’ in certain film.
              My brother is really a flirty person because the first day he’s single, the next day he is in a relationship. How juvenile could that be? Jenny Harrison, who had a relationship with my brother, Louis Berkley invited me to her birthday party tonight because I’ll be her ‘sister-in-law’. Yeah right! It’s not that I don’t like her. It’s just something about her I don’t like. Like how she looks at me. Oh, and Jenny’s family is the richest family in Grimsville and she had a little brother same age with me but I don’t know anything about him even his name!
                So I was sitting in the hut near the beach alone waiting for my bestfriend, Ginny Stewart, the only my friend in this new town. I never had a bestfriend before. Ginny has a long wavy blond hair and blue eyes. She’s very cute and cheerful. Sometimes, she talks too much and she’s my neighbour! The weird thing about her is she dresses up so weird like cosplay-ing. She likes to use this kind of weird dress but that’s suit her looking. 
                I’ve been fifteen minute waiting for her, she maybe dress up like a princess and have a thick make up. I think I arrived earlier because my brother wanted to go early so I’ve to go with my brother and I’ve decided to bring Ginny with me so that I’m not alone at the party.

“Oh dear, this is how the feeling of waiting for a princess.”  I mumbled to myself.  Suddenly a tap on my left shoulder and I really shocked. I thought it was Ginny but it’s not. It was Jenny’s brother.

“Emm...Hee...Hey...Hello!” stupid me speak like I just saw a ghost. “I mean, hello, Jenny’s brother.”I sat up, adjusting my hair. He laughed. Silly me, what can I say, cause I don’t even know his name! He was so handsome too.

“What are you doing alone here? Waiting for someone?” He smiled at me.

“Obviou-“ I stopped and searching for a more polite sentence. “Yes, I’m waiting for my friend.”  I think my face just turn red and he noticed it but he just looked away.

“Oh,okay. Who’s your friend? I mean the name.” He ask and trying to find the best seat. Well, at last he decides to sit beside me! Oh dearrrr..he might be my first love or something!

“Ginny, Ginny Stewart. Why are you asking? Do you know her or something?”  Like I know anything about the history of this town but this town is small. He looks at me and nodded.

“Yes I know her. We’re in the same school. Are you new here? I’ve never seen you before.” picking the flower beside him. The beautiful yellow flower and hand it to me.

“Aquilegia Flavescens.” He blurred. “Yellow Columbine...the common name of the flower. I don’t know much about it but my mom ever planted it at our garden.”I take his offer for the flower. He must think that I’m a weird or a genius head. But I was wrong, he’s laughing and that’s make him more attractive. My mom planted the flower and she likes flower. That’s why we have a lot of flower been transfer to our new home.

“Wow, you really know about flowers don’t you?” he smiled at me again! I look away trying to hide my wry face. “By the way, I’m so sorry of being so impolite. “ I blurred and try to understand his apologies for. “My name is Kennedy Matthew Harrison. You can call me Ken.” He smiled and now I understand why, looks like we’re both need to apologies.

“Oh yeah, me too, my name is Larissa Berkley. You can call me Risa.” explain to him what my name means as in flower term. What am I doing? Teaching someone about flower? He must be so bored of me! I was to worry that how someone thinks about me. Here comes my social life.

We both look each other and I might look an idiot. He paused and look like he wanted to ask me something. Maybe he want to ask me to be his girlfriend or maybe he want to ask me how did I do my hair because I tied my hair with a perfect princess braid. I mean, why the hell would a guy ask me that question. Silly me.  

“Did you heard about the-“ He stopped and was annoyed by someone loud voice, almost like screaming toward us.

“LARISSSSSAA!!!” Ginny’s voice bugging to my ear. I was shocked and both of us look at Ginny with her short blue dress. She sound exhausted. 

“What happened?!” I stand and I walk toward her. She looks tired after running.

“It..It’s the twin sister!” she breathes for air and began to talk again. “Haylee and Kaylee! They’re chasing after me!”  I pause for a while and realize that two people were running toward us, they were the two girls I met that day. Haylee and Kaylee Levinson the only twin sister in this town. 

To be continue... stay up for the update!

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Chapter One "Prettier Than You" by Jennifer S.


I awoke and found myself on a dirty chair. The place was abandoned, the windows crack and it is night time. I didn’t felt like I was been kidnapped or something because my hand and legs wasn’t been cuffed or tied. But I can’t move any of my body part! I felt dizzy and ache at my hand. The room swayed, and I blinked it into focus. Bruises were all around my both hand! My face was cover with a white scarf and I touch it, it was bleeding.

“Oh my bloody goodness!” I said, borrowing my brother’s catch phrase.

“Good evening, Larissa. How are you feeling today?” a familiar voice said from... from somewhere. The rough, croaky voice surrounded me as if it poured out of the walls. It’s a man voice! I don’t think I know any guy from the Grimsville. Except for my father and my little brother. I felt the chill in his voice. I knew that guy was evil!

“Where the hell I am? I don’t think I’m feeling well today and what did you’ve done to me? Why I can’t move my body?!” I yelled into a space.

A light suddenly shine bright right in front of me. My eye was burning and makes me want to dig my eyes with a spoon! The weird thing is, there are no any bulb or lamp in front of nor the wall and the ceiling! It was all empty except there’s chair I’m sitting on and a table. The floor appeared to be dirt, and the wall was brown, looking damped and weathered. It was like a room, a bedroom, except there’s no bed.

“Can you off the light?! It’s hurting my eyes!” trying to remind him. He didn’t even listen to it.

“I’m so sorry, Larissa. We’re only doing our job. That’s all” The light faded away, allowing me to open my eyes fully without performing spoon surgery.

“What do you want from me?” I asked, trying to hide my ‘appealing voice’. I mean, I was really scared and his voice really creep me out! But my brain says that I’d been kidnapped, and I am! “Please let me go!” trying to pursue him and it actually didn’t work. Good job, Larissa! Why would a bad guy listen to me after all?

“You’ll find out soon enough.”

And then silence. I only can hear some crickets sound from the outside.

Suddenly a light appeared under my chair. This time it’s different. It’s like a magical light transform in a green color. It’s like he’s cursing me! Then a serious looking lady, I can’t really look at her since the light was so bright. She holds a magical spear with a skull on top of it and makes her a real witch or something. She wore a long black purple dress with full-length sleeves.

“Hello, Miss Larissa.” She greets me with a big smile. Now I can see her full figure. I creep out because she had a very ugly scar on her face and I definitely know her very well!  

To be continued.. ( Update every 1 weeks)

Friday, 25 January 2013

Prettier Than You - Book Cover Design

So how is it? This is my first Novel that I want to published! Self Published. Still working on with the story.

Actress Ashley Greene & Rachelle Lefevre
BOOK COVER of "Prettier Than You"
25 January 2013

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Secret Base - Scandal show Band

Intro : C  D  Em  G
        C  D  Em

         C              D 
Kimi to natsu no owari shourai no yume
Em             G
Ooki na kibou wasurenai
        C                      D             G
Juunen-go no hachigatsu mata deaeru no wo shinjite
C       D     G         
Saikou no omoide wo... C  D  G

C                   G       Em            G          
Deai wa futto shita shukan kaerimichi no kousaten de
C                   D7           Em
Koe wo kakete kureta ne "Issho ni kaerou"
C                G
Boku wa terekusasou ni
Em                 G
Kaban de kao wo kakushi-nagara
C                D7          Em
Hontou wa totemo totemo ureshikatta yo
C         D               G
Aa Hanabi ga yozora kirei ni saite
Chotto setsunaku
C           D               G
Aa Kaze ga jikan to tomo ni nagareru
C            D
Ureshikutte tanoshikutte
G            Em
Bouken mo iroiro shita ne
   C        D                  G
Futari no himitsu no kichi no naka

         C              D
Kimi to natsu no owari shourai no yume
Em            G
Ooki na kibou wasurenai
C                             D               G
Juunen-go no hachigatsu mata deaeru no wo shinjite

         C             D      
Kimi ga saigo made kokoro kara
           Em                G
"Arigatou" sakende 'ta koto shitte 'ta yo
     C               D  
Namida wo koraete egao de sayounara
 G                 C   D    G
Setsunai yo ne Saikou no omoide wo...

C         D             G            Em
Aa Natsuyasumi mo ato sukoshi de owatchau kara
C             D        G
Aa Taiyou to tsuki nakayoku shite
C            D
Kanashikutte samishikute
G            Em
Kenka mo iroiro shita ne
   C          D                G
Futari no himitsu no kichi no naka

         C              D
Kimi ga saigo made kokoro kara
            Em               G
"Arigatou" sakende 'ta koto shitte 'ta yo
        C            D 
Namida wo koraete egao de sayounara
     G          C      D     G
Setsunai yo ne Saikou no omoide wo...

C     D7  G C   D7  G C   D7       G
Totsuzen no tenkou de dou shiyou mo naku
C               D7    
Tegami kaku yo Denwa mo suru yo
       Em               G7
Wasurenaide ne Boku no koto wo 
     C           D7            G  
Itsu made mo futari no kichi no naka

         C              D
Kimi to natsu no owari Zutto hanashite
Em                  G
Yuuhi wo mite kara hoshi wo nagame
        C               D                  G
Kimi no hoho wo nagareta namida wa zutto wasurenai
        C             D          Em                     G
Kimi ga saigo made ookiku te wo futte kureta koto kitto wasurenai
        C                 D               G
Da kara kou shite yume no naka de zutto eien ni...

         C              D
Kimi to natsu no owari shourai no yume
Em             G
Ooki na kibou wasurenai
      C                 D                    G
Juunen-go no hachigatsu mata deaeru no wo shinjite

         C              D
Kimi ga saigo made kokoro kara
              Em             G
"Arigatou" sakende 'ta koto shitte 'ta yo
        C            D
Namida wo koraete egao de sayounara
      G           C     D    G
Setsunai yo ne Saikou no omoide wo...

C  D  Em  G

C  D  G

P/s: song review is in the MP3 ---> (the song playing in my blog now)